Breaking into travel journalism: 7 advice from the experts

Breaking into travel journalism: 7 advice from the experts

Travel journalism opens the door to a realm where you have the opportunity to discover captivating destinations and recount your experiences to others. It's more than just putting pen to paper; it's about honing your observational skills and crafting narratives that transport people's minds to the very location you're describing. If you dream of being a travel journalist, here are some tips from top travel journalists to help you start.

1. Starting a blog

Starting a travel blog is a great way to begin as a freelance travel journalist. It acts as an online portfolio. Editors get to see if you can write well and find interesting angles. Moreover, it also helps you to hone your writing skills and acts as an opportunity to understand the needs of the audience as well. 

2. Passion

Research and passion are essential for freelance travel journalism. You need to dig deeper, find facts others miss, and bring out unique stories. It's not just about what's in guidebooks; it's about adding something new. Simple efforts of familiarising yourself with the destination’s history, culture, local attractions, and hidden gems add depth to the article. 

3. Networking

Network building is crucial in every industry. Therefore it is essential for aspiring freelance travel journalists to connect with travel journalists, editors and industry professionals in order to establish their presence in the field. Moreover, attending events, and joining forums with travel communities help to stay updated with the latest trends of the industry.

4. Specialisation

Pitch travel stories that are personalised according to the publication you're approaching. Having a speciality or unique perspective can help you stand out. Attention to detail is very significant in travel journalism. Hence, remember to take note of the intricate details, the distinctive features of each location, and the stories that lie beneath the surface, the local traditions, architecture, cuisine, and people. These minor details will enhance your writing and provide your readers with a more wholesome experience.

5. Crisp Pitches 

Top travel journalists advise keeping the pitch very crisp and should be in accordance with the requirements of the media house. It should showcase the writing proficiency as well as the uniqueness of the article. Avoid repeating recent stories yet try to incorporate the latest trends with your personal touch. And don't forget to include a compelling hook within your pitch - just enough to pique their interest, without giving away every nuance of your unique story.

6. Degrees and Courses 

In the competitive world of freelance travel journalism, a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism, or even Tourism can give you an edge over your other contemporary journalists. You can even consider enrolling for short-term courses instead of long-term degrees that provide you with the required skills.

7. Incorporating New Technologies

In the current age of exponential digital shift, freelance travel journalists must be accustomed to the latest tools and trends. The social media presence of travel journalists helps them to expand their audience reach. Moreover, multimedia content like pictures and videos makes the travel stories even more exciting and engaging.

A career in freelance travel journalism is a continuous learning experience. Every trip offers something new to discover. And with the advent of travel Journalism freelancer platform like, connecting and sharing content is now more convenient. This digital hub offers freelance travel journalists a platform to connect with media houses, pitch stories and negotiate the value as well. It also offers facilities to collaborate with other journalists, providing them with a community that keeps them abreast of the latest happenings of the industry.