
Onboarding Process – Journalist

  • As you prepare for filling out the registration form, here is a step-by-step guide to completing the process. 
  • Click Join Now on the Home page. It will lead to two options: Journalist and Media House. On clicking Journalist, you reach the Journalist Sign-Up page. You are now ready to go for the sign-up process.
  • Follow the instructions. Place your Photo in the designated slot and move on to an introductory video. It should be of a maximum 30-second duration. The video will increase your visibility among media outlets.  
  • Now move on to Personal Details. It includes details such as first name, middle initial, last name, preferred currency and mailing address. Here you will be asked to mention the country, state, city, and postal code/zip code/pin.
  • The sale and purchase of your content will be in the currency you choose. This option is for display and your convenience. Actual transactions in the back end will be in USD.
  • After entering the About Me - you describe yourself in a maximum of 200 words and it will be visible to all registered members - move to professional details.    
  • Select your Areas of Interest. These would be the topics on which you mainly write. Select your Target Audience. This is where you would like your stories to appear. Then choose Language.
  • Upload a Detailed Resume. This resume will not be public. It will be viewed only by members of the Editorial Board and sent to media outlets when you apply for a job.
  • Enter contact details of up to three referees.
  • If you are an invitee, then it is not required. The Editorial Board members may reach out to them during the application review process. Please ensure that the referees are aware that they may be contacted.
  • Input the title of and link to your published work. We need a minimum of three links to published, telecast or broadcast work. Please have these ready before starting the registration process.
  • Input links to Social Media Account Links (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube). We need the URLs for your profiles. Of the five, Twitter and LinkedIn are a must.
  • After this, please go through our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions and accept. Accept the terms of the Journalist's Master Contract and Code of Ethics.
  • To join the platform, you are required to pay a Registration Fee of $150 as one-time deposit. If you have received an offer of a Coupon Code, please Apply. 
  • You will receive an email notification about receipt of your profile by 5WH management. Your profile shall be reviewed by the 5WH Editorial Board. If approved, you will be asked to buy a membership to avail services of 5WH platform.

Onboarding Process – Media House

  • As you prepare for filling out the registration form, here is a step-by-step guide to completing the process. 
  • Click Join Now on Home page. It will lead to two options: Journalist and Media House. Select Media House. You are on the Media House Sign-up page now and ready to go.
  • Fill in the boxes requiring basic information about your organization.
  • Enter information such as name and type of organization. By clicking on Select Type you get a drop-down menu. Choose the right one and move on to other boxes. The sale and purchase of your content will be in the currency you choose.
  • After entering a brief summary of your outlet in Profile Details, that  should not exceed 200 words, click Save and Continue. The summary will be visible to all registered journalists and media houses on this platform.
  • Now move to Company Info. Please upload logo of your company or image of your publication at the designated space. Click on Next. 
  • Please fill in your Organisation Details. The Area of Interest box has a drop-down menu. Tick the appropriate box and select a maximum number of nine areas of interest. Follow the same process to choose maximum number of nine countries. Keywords are how you receive notifications on issues and topics you are interested in.
  • Now click on Next.
  • Now enter Social Media Account links. You are required to provide at least three. Choose from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube. Click on Save.
  • Next you accept our Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Code of Ethics and Media House Master Contract by clicking in the designated boxes. Click on Save.
  • After this you will receive a prompt for payment. Complete the process by buying a membership plan. You are registered.